Definitely not a female impersonator
8 May 2016
Soda-jerk Lana Turner (Peggy) wins $2.50 for punctual attendance over 1,000 consecutive days and she has the privilege of spending this gift within the store that she works for. What a lucky break! She is horrified at this pointless achievement and so quits for better things. Quote right, Lana. What she does next is pretty dodgy, though. Watch and find out in this romantic comedy which also stars Robert Young (Bob) as the man pursuing her in more ways than one.

This film has a good cast with Turner very good in the lead role. I wasn't too keen on Young, he's a bit drippy in this but he does get some amusing dialogue. Turner gets some clever scenes, eg, serving customers whilst blindfolded and when she is given a test to identify a treasured toy in a roomful of options. Her logic can't be faulted. She is both strong, calculatingly clever and funny in this film and she looks just like Marilyn Monroe. I wonder if Monroe copied her look? There is a convincing supporting cast although the story is based on a pretty dodgy idea! Doesn't matter, it's all fantasy. And it leaves the viewer feeling happy.
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