Review of Open Grave

Open Grave (2013)
Not bad, not particularly good either
4 May 2016
We have here yet another pandemic scenario, this time narrated from a somehow different point of view.

The movie itself is not bad: the acting is OK, the story is alright... That said, I don't find that it builds up tension enough, and the pace is too slow for my taste. There's not much happening.

The female characters are portrayed as weak and victims; women might not have the overall physical strength of men, but creating a strong female character would have been interesting.

The ending is kind of open for a sequel, although I hope they decide to focus their efforts on something else.

Then we have the use of expressions like "they are not animals!", "that's inhumane"... Firstly, humans are animals. Secondly, if we understand that you are differentiating between non-human and human animals, are you implying that it is OK to treat other species inhumanely? Those expressions are, nevertheless, not only a sign of speciesm, but clear evidence of how much suffering we inflict on non-human animals, since they become a measure for what it shouldn't be tolerated. Anyway, I'm pretty sure that most of you don't care about this, since the vast majority is accomplice to the massacre. And, well, this is an opinion about reality, and who cares about that when you can discuss fiction, right?

Alas, watchable movie, but you can skip it and will miss nothing.
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