Raven's Touch (2015)
Raven's 'Out Of' Touch, don't touch it, it's boring.
1 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I actually watched parts of this movie twice because of other reviews but despite what they said I could not disagree more with some of them. The opening scenes are so badly acted and formulaic with the black son, Asian daughter and all white American Mom, plus the crazy lady in the woods. The car scenes leading up to their fist meeting with Raven are so wooden and lacking spirit that I almost laughed. The encounter by the campsite...truly badly done. The other 1 hour and 15 minutes of the movie...yada yada yada. I think for a budget of £200,000 they did well but the only real saving grace from poor script, bad acting and awful direction was the nice scenery. Honestly, don't waste a precious hour and a half of you life on this.
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