Grimm: The Taming of the Wu (2016)
Season 5, Episode 19
Attention Deficit Disorder Anyone?
30 April 2016
I am surprised that this series got renewed for next season - with such incredibly BAD writing. This episode featured four radically different subplots all in the first 8 minutes. Several more were added after the opening credits.

If you have Attention Deficit Disorder this is the series for you. The episode featured so many vastly different plot points that it was difficult to make sense of what was going on. The scenes last only moments, offering mere snippets of dialogue and none of that pesky character development.

What we end up with are a half dozen different "Grimm Spin Offs" all featuring an individual actor... all competing for attention. In the end none of the story lines are done adequately, and none of the actors get a chance to shine.

There are just far too many Actors in this series. The writers need to go through an clean up the story lines - and get rid of four or five cast members in the process.
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