Fear the Walking Dead: Ouroboros (2016)
Season 2, Episode 3
The stupidity finds new levels
30 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Best episode some other people write. These people most have same level of stupidity as the characters in this show.

Stupidity: The zombies are approaching from distance far away a lot of zombies - the zombies are very slow, in fact my 3 year old nephew could out run them.

Still the characters decide NOT to push the boat in to the water and sail away. No no they chose to stand and wait for the zombies to get near and attack them.

The stupid junkie dude decides to stand and watch a clever zombie from the edge of a hill.... yes on the very edge. Not like 1-2 feet in, you know just to be save. NO he needs to stand on the edge and fall down to the clever zombie.

It seems like the writers can only create suspense if the characters are acting stupid. Why the writers do not chose to make the suspense come in natural way is beyond my grasp. WHy we need to sit and think - "STOP BEING STUPID and lets have a good show"
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