Review of Future Foe

Primeval: Future Foe (2007)
Season 1, Episode 6
The arrival of posthistoric monsters
28 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Over the course of the series we have seen a variety of creatures that have come from the distant past; this time we get one from the distant future. This new creature is highly intelligent and appears to have evolved from bats. Helen turns up again with information about the creatures; it may be from the future but it arrived via the Precambrian period… having followed her to the present. Nick Cutter is adamant that unlike previous creatures these ones must be killed and the anomaly between the future and Precambrian eras discovered to prevent them from changing history. Once the creature in the present is dealt with Nick, Helen and a squad of Special Forces return to the past and make some startling discoveries concerning the camp they found in the first episode. Once back it becomes apparent that something has changed; one of the regulars is nowhere to be scene and nobody who stayed in the present has any knowledge of this character.

This episode was a good end to the first season of 'Primeval'. I liked the fact that we finally get a creature from the distant future. This creature was suitably frightening and well designed… the way it operated was a clear nod to the film 'Predator'; especially when we see the world through the creature's eyes. The scene where one of these creatures fights a dinosaur in the Precambrian era is particularly impressive. The ending provided a good cliff-hanger that should leave viewers keen to see whether the changes can be fixed or if there were any other changes. The cast do a solid job; when the series started I was a little unsure about some of the characters but over the course of the six episode I grew to like them. Overall this was an exciting episode, possibly the best of the series so far, and it left me keen to watch season two.
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