The Andy Griffith Show: Man in a Hurry (1963)
Season 3, Episode 16
If You Could Pick Only One Episode ...
27 April 2016
If you could pick only one episode to show someone who has never seen a single episode pf "The Andy Griffith Show", this would be a great example. The contrast between the hustling of displaced businessman Malcom Tucker and the easygoing Sunday afternoon antics of Mayberry's finest citizens demonstrates everything that's appealing about the series. It includes the great front porch scene with Barney lazily repeating his mundane afternoon itinerary to the point that it infuriates Tucker. We also learn about "adventure sleeping" and Gomer's cousin Goober (who would later replace him at the filling station). Then there are the two elderly sisters who tie up the phone line every Sunday talking to one another about their health issues. A high point from the classic era that usually ends up at the top of most viewers "Best of" lists.
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