The Long Rope (1961)
"You don't need trials in my town".
26 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Just goes to show how different people see things differently. The only other reviewer for the picture as I write this trashes it pretty firmly. I didn't find it to be so bad, although the subject of a man wrongfully accused has been done in Westerns a considerable number of times before. One of the things that sets the movie apart is the resolution which came right out of left field when Dona Vega (Madeleine Holmes) confessed to murder on the witness stand. Earlier Luis Ortega (David Renard) told Judge Stone (Hugh Marlowe) that he saw Ben Matthews (Robert J. Wilke) kill his own brother, so the story left that bit of information dangling in the wind. So how the judge managed to pin the woman down based on other information he had wasn't made clear at all. Hmm, maybe the other reviewer had a point. I may have to go back and check this out again, but in the meantime, if you need to know who killed Jim Matthews - Mamacita did it.
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