Both REALLY good and REALLY bad
25 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
As a religious person and hobbyist film critic, I am very conflicted on this movie. Let me explain.

First the bad. Half the movie is "go nowhere exposition." The first 15 or whatever minutes is just Kirk talking to the camera talking about why he likes Christmas. It tries to be well shot, but it's just boring. Then there's like 15 minutes of "family Christmas party scene." Again, very boring, and also kind of poorly shot, with bad lens flairs and camera angles. Oh, and after the brother has a change of heart about Christmas, he starts a "Christmas music rap band" with some of the most cringy and grating dancing and singing I've ever seen in a "professional" work.

But with all this bad, when Kirk is talking about the religious significance behind the nativity, Christmas tree, and Santa, it's REALLY good. I knew the stories behind the nativity, Christmas tree, and Santa, but Kirk shed an entirely new light on them, and I won't look at them the same again. Plus, it's really well written, shot, and entertaining.

When it's good it's really good, but when it's bad it's really bad. Kirk should forget about "feature length" and instead should make short films about religious symbols.
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