Tribute to the past
24 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
"Sombra dolorosa" is a 4-minute short film by Canadian writer and director Guy Maddin. I am not familiar with any of the cast members here, so Maddin is probably the most known name attached to this project. There is a lot of influence in here: Spanish cinema, silent cinema, fantasy movies, supernatural, maybe even horror and also a touch of music. If you don't speak Spanish, don't worry. There are English translation included as intertitles, the silent film reference I made earlier. But even with all these inclusions and tributes to other works and genre, this was not a good watch. I was missing an individual touch here, something that makes this film stand out and be more than just a collection of references. I do not recommend the watch. I have seen better stuff by Maddin. Not recommended.
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