Review of Bought

Bought (2015)
A Must watch for anyone who blindly trusts the CDC and Big Pharma
20 April 2016
As someone who has experienced first hand the damage that CAN caused by the MMR vaccine, my wife and I are very pleased that movie has been made available. In fact, as of this writing, you can watch it for free on their web site.

This documentary contains IRREFUTABLE facts, and interviews with families that have been negatively impacted by the MMR vaccine. The vaccine industry is a multi billion dollar a year industry, and the lines between government agencies that are supposed to protect us, and the pharmaceutical companies have been blurred to the point where there is no difference between them. Classic case of the wolves guarding the hen house. This movie also takes on the FDA and GMOs as well.

Everyone should see this important documentary. It will not only change your life, it just might save it, or your children's.
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