Leave It to Beaver: The Credit Card (1963)
Season 6, Episode 20
A Lesson in Fiscal Responsibility
20 April 2016
"That seems to be the trend today, to kill off the good guys." (June Cleaver, in a line that eerily presages the assassination of President John F. Kennedy)

It's the last season of LITB, and Wally is approaching adulthood: the perfect time to learn thrift and fiscal responsibility, traditional American virtues which LITB promoted. In this episode, Eddie is bragging about his new credit card. Wally implores Ward to let him have one too, but Ward refuses; it's too big a responsibility for a boy Wally's age. When Wally, Eddie and Lumpy are driving home from a sports event, Wally's car battery fails and Eddie foots the bill for a new battery with his credit card. Wally pays him back, but will Eddie then be responsible enough to pay back his father?

The episode is solid but not a whole lot of fun. Ward and June became rather stiff and authoritarian towards the end of the series. Watch June's line readings and reactions in this episode: she seems positively robotic. There was not a whole lot of humor in the final season, and the funniest thing in this episode is the flashy vest Eddie buys on his credit card ("They say it brings out the Peter Lawford in me.") George Petrie has the first of his two appearances as Mr. George Haskell; both he and the actress who played Mrs. Haskell were earthy and real in their roles.
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