Excellent documentary on a hidden part of 70s cinema
19 April 2016
Simon Sheridan has produced the last word on the life of Mary Millington. This documentary explores in detail the fascinating (and never boring) life of Britain's first and only (!) mainstream porn star.

Whilst the work of every British film genre is celebrated with pride, the soft porn film is typically neglected except for cheerleaders especially Sheridan. These films were major earners and drew on big stars who would go from children's films to soft porn films (such as Ronnie Fraser going from Swallows and Amazon's to Come Play with Me with Mary Millington!). These were different times!

This film is going to be revolutionary to even the most hardened (lol!) fan but it is also even handed in approach. In short it is a Meister work and is worth a watch for anyone with an interest in British cinema...indeed anyone! Fantastic!
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