Not Bad but Not Great
16 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This is a re-review. In my original review, I was a bit to negative. The only real problems with this movie are that some scenes are a little padded out, the bullies are obnoxious and the first song is awful. The only scene I thought was really padded out was the scene where they were out at night sniffing for water. The entire movie could've also been resolved in 10 minutes rather than 70 but I see why it wasn't. As for the bullies, they nearly destroy the movie and every scene they're in. Their song in particular was really painful. However, there are upsides to this movie than I pointed out in my original review. For example, I like the last two songs. The second song is just funny and the third song is really pretty. The animation is surprisingly really good for a direct to DVD movie with a low budget. The conflict is much bigger than The Great Valley Adventure, the kids are better characters in this movie, and the adults' behavior is somewhat justified. People get cranky and aggressive from stress or hunger which all of the adults are experiencing at the same time. I didn't realize this on my first few viewings but now I get it. I wish I could say the same for the bullies. Yes, the leader does have a bit of a backstory and I do give them credit for trying to make Hyp more of a character but it comes in a little too late for me. They should've hinted at it more and maybe cut out some of their scenes, especially the song. As for the other bullies, they're following Hyp because I'm guessing they're afraid of being hurt by him. I also give major credits to the action scenes and tension in general in this movie. The fire scene and the velociraptor fight are amazing. They are intense and interesting to watch. Overall, this movie has good intentions, good morals, and just good qualities in general but it's a little too clumsy for me. I appreciate it more than I watch it.
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