Psych: Psych: The Musical (2013)
Season 7, Episode 15
Brave but missed
14 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
With a show that was well written, took chances and never took itself seriously the idea of a musical - original music at that - oddly made sense. Unfortunately this is a complete miss. If you are going to be this ambitious you better hit the mark.

The episode is extended which is too bad. The story drags and loses direction more often than not. It tries to reference other episodes and brings in former characters - weakly Yang and smartly Mary Lightly - with varying degrees of success. Mostly it's just boring.

Honestly the highlight is Henry tell Shawn early, "Yeah, not happening" and then smartly disappearing for the majority of the episode.

The three stars given to Psych the Musical are only for having the courage to take a chance. Even the biggest Psych fans - which I consider myself one - would be well advised to skip this episode.
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