Every Star Wars film gets worse each time.
13 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I went to see this with a friend of mine who really loves SW. He seemed to really enjoy it but I didn't.

I want to say this much. I never was a big SW fan. I remember sleeping on Star Wars sheets as a youngster but not being overly wrought with joy from looking at them. I have yet to see A New Hope and Return of the Jedi. Yes, pathetic I know. And I think I am one of the rare ones out there who loved The Phantom Menace which I saw before any of the others.

In a nutshell, I hated Attack Of The Clones other than Yoda's awesome light saber duel. Revenge of the Sith was way too violent and this one is more like The Force Died.

This one was a slap in the face. Why does Disney have to take over every franchise known to man? I'm sure Walt is spinning in his grave over this. Disney has now ruined the Star Wars franchise for good! I'm not going to much into detail about the film because there really isn't any need to. The only spoiler I'm giving out is Solo's death! I had a feeling they were going to do something like this and my gut feeling was dead on. I felt a part of me die inside. Did they really have to kill off a major contributor to the film? If they happen to bring him back I would laugh. Disney is a joke anymore.
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