Ultimate Bad-movie
13 April 2016
Here's a movie that's the ultimate B-Movie. I have seen a lot of Syfy Channel trash, but at least it had a little bit of a plot! This movie had no plot what-so-ever, horrible acting, and trashy, no good dialogue. The movie starts off quite firmly, with a view of mountains, then switches to a documentary-maker watching stupid videos about Bigfoot. OK. Then, he meets up with someone who wants to save this huge area of forest by proving there's a Bigfoot there. Here's where it gets stupid. From that point in the movie on, the movie gets worse. And then, the entertainment value is like 0% big time. There's no gore, there is a chase scene, but even that is dumb. Then, the documentary-maker is knocked out and, as it seems, taken to heaven. This movie wasn't shown on the Syfy channel, and probably never will.
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