The English Harem (2005 TV Movie)
10 April 2016
Complete and utter rubbish!! Trying to understand the purpose behind this trash?? If it was education about Islam, then it was certainly a very false and distorted attempt. The guy is drinking and having group sex but very practising when it comes to the 4 wives rule because that's what it's all about...seriously! No doubt people like that exist who cherry pick what suits them, but it was clear that not much research had gone into the actual issue of polygamy . The strict laws and regulations about practising polygamy is not explored because no doubt it would have taken all the juice out of this project. This no doubt only serves to widen the misconceptions that non-muslims may have about Islam and such controversial (even in the Islamic world) issues or perhaps the aim was to just misguide even more. The storyline was so weak, felt like the writer was writing for the sake of writing. If the purpose was just wasting time in the name of entertainment then it served its purpose. Guess Martine McCutcheon couldn't get any other good roles to play so she had to settle for this rubbish. Not much research had even gone into the Iranian culture either which by the way is different to the Arabian culture of deserts, sand etc. How can I get back the two hours that I wasted on this garbage??
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