Shoot down
10 April 2016
Wrestler Dean Ambrose is cop John Shaw who returns to duty after being shot and his partner getting killed. Shaw needed psychiatric counselling. His first day back on the job ends up being far from rosy.

Shaw finds evidence and saves it in a flash drive that the star officer in the precinct Tyler Burke leads a team of crooked cops. When Burke finds out he evacuates the police station in a bogus fire scare and puts in on lockdown so he and his unit could hunt down Shaw who only has 12 bullets in his gun and seems incapable to find any more. Then again as you watch the film you figure that when brains were handed out he was at the back of the line.

The film is inept. Die Hard on the cheap. Ambrose shows little charisma or action abilities. The plot is garbage. I could never figure why Shaw never made a copy of the drive or save it elsewhere. Also I never figured how Burke would realistically pin all the deaths on Shaw. The forensics would not match. Several times Shaw is saved because of external factors nothing to with any cunning or planning by the main star.

The previous 12 round films were passable and had some decent action. This was just bad.
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