Prissy always gets her cock
8 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Weeeelllll.... "Lovelorn Leghorn" is a little cartoon from 65 years ago and as they always do this one runs for 7 minutes as well. It is another Foghorn Leghorn movie, so the voice acting comes from Mel Blanc of course and McKimson and Pierce made it like so many other times too. But i dare say this may not have been their best moment. The comedy here was too gadget-oriented and did not really have that much wit in terms of the characters, also was more loud than funny. Also I wish I would have been more touched by Prissy and how she is a bit of an ugly duckling, but honestly it left me fairly uninterested. Nice ending for her though. But not for the audience. I give this one a thumbs-down.
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