Game of Thrones: Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken (2015)
Season 5, Episode 6
Superb Storytelling
7 April 2016
This episode is near the top of my list. We have several issues in motion. The biggest fact is that there is no invulnerability among any characters. Tyrion is no at the mercy of slave traders and Jorah is infected. Both are in about as tenuous situation as there can be. Cersei has embraced the Sparrows and has taken on Margery full force, having her cast into prison. She is still ruling the kingdom and Tommen is just a little boy, hopelessly out of his league. Theon still has a bit of nobility in him (though he always was a coward) and may have been pushed to the brink. Sansa has been given to Ramsay and he is doing what he always does. He is a delightfully awful character whom we grow to hate with each passing minute. Then there is the princess who has embraced her new life in a far off land and has fallen in love with a suitor. She is going to be hard to rescue, since her saviors are now captured and she is so resistant to being rescued. With Circei back home, one can only imagine. Also, Littlefinger has made a packed with the evil queen mother for his own gain. She is putting a lot of eggs in his basket. The closing scene is terrifying, but only because of the buildup. So many have suffered throughout this story, so Sansa is not going to walk through everything unscathed. Can't wait for the next episode.
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