Review of The Rats

The Rats (2002 TV Movie)
Mutant rat rampage in New York
5 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Is this a straight to TV film by any chance? It certainly felt like it from the get go although this wasn't as tacky and cheap as other films I've seen in the last five years so credit where credit is due, it's not as bad as it easily could have been. Let's face it, there have been lots of films made already which deal with rats as a theme so this wasn't anything startlingly new but it was handled in a refreshing way.

Fuelled by narrative rather than blockbuster action this film trundles along nicely and doesn't do anything too wrong. It's got suspense and tension and the special effects and minor use of CGI work well.

A New York department store noticed it had a minor pest problem, they called in the professionals to deal with it who uncover that the minor problem is in fact a lot worse than thought. Meanwhile other reports circulate pointing towards the problem being less localised than just the store. The exterminator becomes detective and finds out that the rats are a rouge swarm which have been manipulated and mutated by science. Left abandoned the rats do the natural thing and try and support themselves to escape the science lab and live. In doing so they become a menace to the local populace as they nibble, bite and spread disease. Can the exterminator crack the problem and save the city before the problem gets out of hand?

5 out 10
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