Review of Bristel Goodman
4 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
"Bristel Goodman" is much like the characters in it, deceiving to the eye at first, yet it reveals itself as a very cunning and interesting film that catches our attention from the beginning and never lets go. A man meets a woman on the net, he falls in love for her and they strike up a relationship, until one day she vanishes and the cryptic clues and messages begin to appear, sending our protagonist into an obsessive scavenger hunt for clues and on the trail of a mysterious killer who stalks his victims through their computers. "Bristel Goodman" is the very definition of a surprise, shot for nothing and with very low quality cameras, the film acknowledges these limitations and turns them into an asset which serve the narrative by making it part of the plot, as everything is experienced through hidden cameras, cellphones, night vision goggles, surveillance equipment and web-cams. "Bristel Goodman" possesses a true mystery, there's an excitement in it, when our hero who is not exactly a sleuth, must make use of social networks in order to decipher the many clues left by the killer, as he find accessory trough many a youtube video and strangers on the web. It also hints at a supernatural angle, yet there is far more to it. The film is clearly influenced by Italian "Giallos", here being updated with a cyber-punk feel to it. "Bristel Goodman's" biggest asset is that it is entertaining, the mystery keeps us guessing and the investigation is truly thrilling.

As we reach to the end, the story tries to keep things as fresh and unpredictable as possible and it is for this reason that the reason behind the killings can be a little far-fetched and seem like it came out of nowhere. As a revelation it is not a bad idea, and the film tries to convince us that there may be a supernatural angle in order to divert our attention from the truth. As such, the revelation is so outlandish that it requires to heavy exposition. It all does make sense in the end; the identity of the killer may not be as mysterious once most of the suspects have been put to rest. In other films, the low quality of the cameras would have been a huge sin, yet "Bristel Goodman" is smart to acknowledge this and turn it into an asset. Some of the performances vary in range of quality. Bristel Goodman" is a total surprise, and an example of what can be made with very little resources and a whole lot of ambition. It is entertaining, it offers a good mystery that keeps one hooked, and while the revelation is way over the top, one can't help but admire how audacious it all is.

Enricco Wood – Oaxaca Filmfest's Curator
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