The Big Valley: Image of Yesterday (1967)
Season 2, Episode 17
Cure worse than the disease
31 March 2016
The Barkley men are all away on a cattle drive when Victoria Barkley makes a re acquaintance of an old beau. It happens in the most dramatic fashion, Dan O'Herlihy rushes into a burning building to save an infant.

We learn that O'Herlihy was a southern gentlemen who lost all he had in the late Civil War. He's far more cynical gentleman than when Barbara Stanwyck knew him back when. What he's in Stockton for is that he's got himself a group of traveling regulators. There's an outlaw band that's been marauding lately and these guys are around to patrol the roads.

This crew that O'Herlihy has aren't any better than outlaws themselves. Some of the plot of the Kirk Douglas classic western Posse are raised here. Remember what Kirk's deputies were like and the liberties they took with the citizens they were sworn to protect. These guys act like a conquering army, the cure maybe worse than the disease.

I thought this story was not well constructed and the ending rather lame, especially what they seemed to be building up to. Not one of the better Big Valley stories.
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