DC's Most Popular Superheroes Collide
26 March 2016
It's hard to know where to begin with Batman V Superman. A film so desperate to set up DC comic's cinematic future that it forgoes any attempt at being coherent, having a solid script and gaining narrative momentum.

After the destruction of half of Metropolis in Man of Steel, Batman is understandably furious. Superman is seemingly on free rein doing as he pleases. This leads to what the title implies a gladiator match between DC's beloved heroes.

If that synopsis sounds befuddling it's because the film is a narrative disaster. So confusing at times that the storytelling borders on incoherent. Scenes jump from location to location subplot to subplot without establishing the necessary ingredients for a story such as this that demands depth. Character motivations are at best bizarre and many situations are never fleshed out. It makes sense why Batman faces off against Superman, but Superman's reason feels contrived. There are still interesting moments that inspire wonder such as how the public regards Superman as a God and yet many still fear his powers. But moments such as these are all too brief and the story cuts away from them just as they start to develop.

There are far too many characters thrown into the mix, but Affleck as Batman manages to make an impression – he is darker and more tormented than ever before. The scenes with Bruce Wayne/Batman are the best parts of the film, but when the character is all too often pushed to the side it hurts the production. In regards to Jesse Eisenberg's villainous Lex Luthor you have to wonder what was going through his head. Its agonizing to watch his scenes unfold of which there are a great many.

The fight itself which would seem to be the main event of the film almost feels like an afterthought. Arriving nearly two hours into the film it looks visually stunning but barely lasts three minutes. It's all too little too late.

Will Batman V Superman be a financial success? Undoubtedly. But if DC wants to stay ahead of the competition and come out on top, they would be wise to focus on the characters and what makes them tick rather than noisy and choppily edited CGI spectacle.

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