A Bit of a Letdown
21 March 2016
The Cowboys are lured from Mexico to Coney Island by their former manager who disappeared at the end of Leningrad Cowboys Go America. He believes he is the reincarnation of Moses, sent to lead them back to the promised land - Siberia.

The first film is a cult classic, as it should be. The second one is not nearly as good. The quirkiness seems to be scaled back, and the songs are not as good overall 9though "Rivers of Babylon" is a nice touch). Fans of the first ought to see the second, but I hardly think anyone would argue this is the better film.

The religious aspects are interesting, though never fully developed. I suppose some more parallels to Moses could have been included. The line "Jesus saves, Moses invests" is a good catch phrase, but what does it all mean?
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