Daredevil: Penny and Dime (2016)
Season 2, Episode 4
Best episode yet!
19 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Having only seen the first six episodes of the second season, this one is hands down the best Daredevil episode so far. This would be an 11/10.

The episode starts off with a strong introduction to the tertiary characters of Finn and the remaining Irish mob members that Frank hasn't blown away. Yet.

Finn's motivations are clear, Frank killed his family and friends and took his money. So he and his henchman corner Frank at the carousel and following a mini shootout they eventually capture him with the help of about 4 taser guns and some type of anesthetic.

Matt discovers the location of Frank from a wounded Irish gangster left bleeding out at the carousel. This is where things get amped up a level.

Following some gruesome torture with a power drill, Finn threatens Frank's dog in order to get Frank to give up the location of Finn's money, which is in a briefcase inside the back of a van somewhere in the city. Frank is cleverly biding his time so that he can cut himself out of his constraints. This all happens simultaneously with the recovery of the briefcase of money, which of course, Frank had rigged to blow. Once he gets free, he pulls a gun away from his head as a mobster pulls the trigger. Slices the guys throat with the same razor he used to free himself. Then shoots Finn with a pistol followed by a close-up shotgun blast to the face.

Matt fights his way to Frank and once they're together, the team up is amazing to watch. Even severely injured, Frank is a force to be reckoned with. Matt has to fight both the mobsters and Frank, to keep him from killing them.

Matt carries Frank to safety, until Frank can't go on. They stop at the cemetery, and Matt learns more about why Frank became the Punisher. He talks about how he lost his family and the way war changed him and his relationship with his daughter specifically. Jon Bernthal's performance in this episode was incredible, I can see his tear filled speech in the Emmy reel already.

Frank eventually submits to arrest, as Matt lets Sgt. Mahoney take the credit realizing that the police need this in order to maintain an image of strength and authority.

This leads to Matt, Foggy, and Karen celebrating with drinks; and with Foggy's early exit home, Matt and Karen share a passionate first kiss in the rain.

With everything being seemingly wrapped up in a nice bow. Matt goes home to wind down with a beer until he senses an intruder in his apartment, which is revealed to be Elektra.
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