Too Boring for Any Sort of Entertainment
16 March 2016
Conspiracy of Lies: Flight 370 to 911 (2014)

* (outi of 4)

This documentary pretty much warns you that there are all sorts of conspiracies out there and that the government is an evil empire that are planning the destruction of the human race. We're told at the start that if one of these theories could be correct then what's to say they aren't all true?

Various conspiracies are talked about here including World Trade Center building 7, the JFK assassination, secret meetings with aliens, lizard people, advance technology that we gained after the Roswell crash and diseases that are spread by the government to help kill people off. The Ebola outbreak is discussed during this portion.

You know, I can't say that I'm a conspiracy nut but I do enjoy reading and watching documentaries on the subject. Whenever I watch one of these films I want to be presented with information to help me see whether or not there is a conspiracy or a possibility of one. The problem with this film is that it's 59 minutes of narration where we hear about possible conspiracies yet there's really no evidence ever presented to back up the theory.

J. Michael Long is credited as the producer, the director and he narrates the material so obviously he believes everything that is being said here. The film is cheaply produced but that's not the problem. The stories are told well enough but if there's nothing here to back up your claims then it just comes across as rather messy, over-reaching and not all that believable or entertaining.
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