Leave It to Beaver: Substitute Father (1961)
Season 4, Episode 39
Wally Becomes Ward
15 March 2016
We know right off the bat that something is up, because Ward is wearing a hat, which he hardly ever does. We soon learn that he is departing for a business trip in St. Louis and putting Wally in charge as the deputy "man of the house" while he's gone. In short order, Wally has a situation on his hands: Beaver gets in trouble at school for using foul language to a classmate who tried to trip him up in the hallway. (We never find out what horrible word Beaver used, since it is "bleeped out" by the school bell.) Prim and proper Miss Landers is appalled at Beaver's language - and so, for that matter, is Beaver. She tells him to bring one of his parents into school to speak to her about the transgression. But the boys can't very well offend June's delicate ears by telling her what Beaver said; so Wally acts *in loco parentis* and comes instead. At first Miss Landers thinks that he and Beaver are trying to put one over on her, but after listening to them she sees that Wally is merely doing his brotherly duty.

LITB reinforces its starchy values by disapproving of foul language in any circumstance. The episode is a strong end to the fourth season in which we see Wally growing into manhood and taking on Ward's fatherly role.
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