Terminal Bar (2003)
Just not an interesting topic
10 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
"Terminal Bar" is a 22-minute documentary film on a New York bar. We find out a bit about its history, its customers and how it changed over the years. But honestly, I must say I just cannot see the appeal here. I guess these days you can just make a movie about anything and with the right narration (try to) make it look relevant. I cannot say I was entertained watching this one. It probably only is a good watch for New York citizens who already visited the place. My guess is that the people who made this video just wanted to pay tribute to a random place in New York shortly after the disastrous terrorist attack on the city. So the intention my be good, but the contents just aren't interesting enough for anybody who does not have a connection to the city or location. I do not recommend watching it and I believe 15 minutes max would really have been sufficient. Thumbs down.
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