Doctor Who: The Stolen Earth (2008)
Season 4, Episode 12
Justice League
9 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Warning do not read unless seen episode.

This is probably my favorite two parter of the series. It is just fantastic, despite the fact that the Doctor and Donna aren't really in it that much and their both practically second string characters. But that's not a bad thing because this is an episode that is focused on the ensemble itself, and to me this is one of the best ensembles in my book. It was just awesome seeing each of the companions and supporting players of the Doctor all work together.

I like how it all starts out, where it's practically a build up on a situation gone from bad to worse. We see not just the Earth has been stolen away but there is a whole armada of ships up in the air and descending. I'll admit once I heard the voice of the ships it turned my blood cold because I knew they were all in really deep crap, the Daileks were coming to rain Hell. I really felt for the characters as we saw each of them have some emotional reactions like Sarah Jane hugging her boy and crying. This really made me worried for all of their lives because this is an invasion force of Daileks, they are all literally out gunned and outnumbered, I'm not entirely sure how their going to win or if they can.

Their only hope of course is to contact the Doctor and bring a signal to guide him to their location. Though this also adds another layer of suspense as we're wondering even if they succeed, how the heck is the Doctor going to solve this problem and can he, he's dealt with the Dalieks many times before but this is an invasion force he's dealing with so that's a pretty huge feat for anyone.

But of course just as we think the problem couldn't get any worse it does as we then see in the shadows of the ship there is a glowing eye and the dreaded sound of a automated moving chair. Yes, that's right Davos he's back. I'll admit I couldn't help but cheer because he's not the kind of villain you see everyday in the series, and when he comes back you know your in for a big fight.

It then of course comes down to that final fateful moment when the Doctor arrives and everyone is about to assemble to him. We then see Rose Tyler at the spot where the Doctor arrives and it was just great as we see both the Tenth Doctor and her come together after so very long. But then of course it then comes to a heart stopping moment as we see a Daliek just come out of nowhere and then zap the Doctor. I remember seeing that and though OMG, it a disheartening moment as it looked like fate has taken a bad turn, it looked like both Rose and we were going to lose the Tenth Doctor as we know whenever he gets fatally wounded he has to regenerate.

To be continued.

Rating: 4 stars
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