Gods of Egypt (2016)
Not as bad as people say
7 March 2016
A lot has been said of this movie. Even before the release there seemed to be problems regarding the whitewashing of the cast, as there are isn't one Egyptian actor involved in the production.

The trailers also did not inspire confidence, with some decidedly ropey CGI used. I was hoping that this was just because of the trailers early release. Unfortunately, although a lot of the CGI is excellent, there are still parts of the film that look like a game. This is a minor nit pick though, as it is a fantasy and you can't really expect realism with this type of film.

Of the leads, Gerard Butler seems to be having the most fun as the villain Set. From his scenery chewing intro, where he rips out his nephew's eyes, he doesn't let up. He also uses his own accent in this. Unfortunately he cant seem to decide what his accent is anymore. Still, he is still great in the role.

Nikolaj Coaster-Waldau, as the hero of the story Horus, is in great shape and plays the hero well, although the character can be a bit bland compared to Butler.

Brenton Thwaites is decent enough but cant live up to the two leads. The supporting cast is filled with greats like Bryan Brown, Geoffrey Rush and Rufus Sewell (re-teaming with Proyas for the first time since 1998's Dark City), but are pretty much wasted in minor roles. Elodie Yung gets a bit more to do than the other cast members and Chadwick Boseman doesn't embarrass himself too much.

As mentioned earlier, some of the CGI looks more like a video game, but kind off adds to the overall look of the film. I like the fact that Director Proyas seems to do his own thing here, and doesn't give his fantasy film the expected drab, dark look that so many fantasy's these days have. I like it when a Director doesn't go with the expected. Perhaps that is why the film is failing so much at the box office.
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