Larrivatus Crappicus
6 March 2016
Another terrible Rudy Larriva Road Runner & Coyote cartoon. The reviewer before me says it's one of Larriva's better ones. That may be but a turd is still a turd. In addition to lame gags that reminds us of better ones from the Chuck Jones years like the propeller backpack, the log roll, and the repeated falls down the same canyon, this has a bird sanctuary gag that takes up a lot of time. The other reviewer praises the long set-up for this bit but, in my opinion, a long set-up requires a greater payoff. Since Larriva never put any thought into the gags in his shorts, you get the feeling the set-up was just to pad time. The payoff is weak (of course) and then the short abruptly ends. Brilliant. Someone should have explained to Larriva that "leave them wanting more" did not mean what he thought it meant. The canned Bill Lava music is awful in every way. The animation is flat and cheap-looking. Why is Wile E. Coyote now a giant compared to the Road Runner? Just a lackluster effort all around. Don't bother with this mess. Watch the Jones shorts instead.
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