The Walking Dead: The Next World (2016)
Season 6, Episode 10
The Future of Glenn
4 March 2016
Watching this season so far, one thing has been abundantly clear to me, the writers are telling us a lot about Glenn and it doesn't look to good. Glenn's character has always been a little reckless and quick to take chances, but it seems like this season that has been turned up to full blast. Starting with just the last episode, "No Way Out", you have dear Glenn overly panicked about Maggie. Yes, the tower she was on was swaying and yes, in theory it could have fallen and she could then be bitten buy the mob of walkers below, but, in what universe is it OK for Glenn to draw them away from her only to attract them to him with no escape route on manner in which to defend himself? Lucky for him Abraham saved him this time, but there have been too many close calls.

We have the always popular martyr Glenn ideas that only he can do, that never turn out so well for others that go along with him and often times put him into a very precarious situation almost on the borderline of "Are you serious?" The dragging out and the way the scene was shot in "Thank You" led many to believe that Glenn had died when he fell from atop of the dumpster. His name was removed from the opening credits adding fuel to the speculation and it wasn't for several more episodes that we would learn the truth about his fate.

My theory; I think that they either want us to become so disgusted with all of the risks that he has taken that when the time for his real character's death to arrive, (yes, it's coming) that it would almost be some type of relief and that the attention would then turn to Maggie which would have to deal with the aftermath of not only his death but raising their child without him. Or, that we'd become so dismissive or possibly angry towards Glenn's character that as awful as the scene may go down, that he caused his own fate.

There's also the other idea floating around out there that it could be Daryl's fate at the end of season 6 that's so viscous, since he has some projects going on and another show of his own. All I know is that it looks very suspicious to me that Glenn's character has been taking as many risks as he has especially since Maggie is pregnant.
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