Review of Click

Click (2006)
an Adam Sandler film that made me cry!
2 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
"Click" is a interesting film hybrid of comedy, drama and some science fiction with adam sandler and somehow it worked.

most adam sandler films tends to the dumb-comedy crowd with he's very old 90's comedy shtick that "Billy Madison" and "Happy Gilmore" started but repeated many times later which give sandler the negative reputation since, but then he give a mature performances in "Punch-Drunk Love", "The Longest Yard", "Reign Over Me" and even "Funny People" he can do drama and be believable without force comedy along with his annoying voice.

Click is more or less sci-fi retailing of "it's a wonderful life" about an workaholic architect who has slow-life with his family and getting problems from his boss, after some shopping he discovers by a mysterious person a special remote control which he can skip time (fast forward) and change things in the present (Pause or Mute), at first he's enjoys it's advantages, but slowly it controls his workaholic life, destroying his marriage, relationship with his children and he's family.

the film has few comedic moment early-on but their are very sandler standers, but when it get emotional and dramatic it make the film more than just another dumb-comedy.

the scene where adam sandler's character finds out that his father died it's probably the saddest heart-breaking scene i have ever seen in a film that's how much family is important. Henry Winkler who playing the father gives an excellent performance very strong and emotional.
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