Checkmate: Voyage Into Fear (1961)
Season 1, Episode 30
Two private eyes on the same case
1 March 2016
Joan Fontaine is the body that Checkmate is guarding in this story and the assignment takes Fontaine and Anthony George on a cruise to Hawaii. She's thinking that her husband who is an embezzling accountant is trying to shut her up. But her drinking is making George a serious doubter.

Especially after he mistakes private eye Scott Brady for the potential killer. Soon enough the story comes out right.

Part of the problem is that Fontaine is under strict orders to stay in her cabin all the way to Honolulu. But she's brought an ample supply of booze and she's got more tricks than Ray Milland in where to hide it.

Fontaine did a lot more television work than her sister Olivia deHavilland. She's quite good as the frightened alcoholic wife who has everyone thinking it's just the booze talking.
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