Hilarious Hong Kong cop comedy!
29 February 2016
In this hilarious cop comedy, where, while visiting Hong Kong to perform in a concert from Mainland China, violinist Mozart (Lau Ching Wan) gets himself mixed up in a jewel heist and becomes a prime target of the robbers. In order to make him identify the culprits while protecting his interests, Inspector Anna Mo (Teresa Mo) takes him in.

This story has a simple plot about a policewoman protecting a witness, who ultimately falls for each other, but their awkward chemistry gave off lots of laughs. Teresa Mo is one funny cop with an incredible sense of humor, hilarious facial expressions and funny deadpan deliveries. Lots of screwball and goofy moments, from a microwave blowing up in Mo's face to four nurses playing mahjong in a hospital elevator, and from Mozart playing the violin without strings to Mo blowing bad guys away with her over-sized pistol. Co-stars Gabriel Wong and Vivian Lai made fun sidekicks to Mo. Wong delivered some hilarious dialog and Lai played the good girl image, but couldn't quite pull off a convincing acting performance at times.

A fast-paced movie with some action and non-stop laughs, it's a treat for any Hong Kong action comedy fans.

Grade A
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