A man with the prescience of a Prophet I can prove it
27 February 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I can prove that watching this movie will convince you that this man had the ability to see the future. To watch his predictions coming true is jaw dropping. There is a great scene with Jerry Brown when he ran against him in the primary for Senate in California. One man in an unemployment office told him he had never seen a politician there before. Gore knew based on the political economic structure, he would not win but said Jerry should drop out take a year off and read and explore himself. Jerry, won the primary, lost the election and took a year off to explore his mind. I mean yoga explore. It's uncanny. The most convincing proof is when Christopher Hitchens, his protégé, proclaimed himself the new Gore, Vidal said, " He's not the new me because I am still here and will be here after he's gone." Gore was in his 80s, Hitchens was in his 50s. Hitchens died 2011, Vidal 2012. Of course he was not a God and had some odd views. He didn't believe in monogamy or long term relationships but had the greatest interview about being Gay. He said the difference between a Homosexual and a Heterosexual is the same as having brown eyes and blue eyes. When asked who says so, he said, "I say so." It is truly enlightening to watch. He sees the rich taking over the government, the economic structure, buying Congress to make sure they make all the money and take all the advantages. He was Bernie Sanders, except back then the top 20% had more wealth than the rest combined. Of course now we call them the 1%. I recommend this movie.
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