House M.D.: Simple Explanation (2009)
Season 5, Episode 20
Horrible, unrealistic portrayel of suicide
26 February 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Worst writing I have ever seen. The episode was utterly boring. I fell asleep twice. I have watched every episode of House. The pointless deaths of characters we don't care about and guns. It's been overdone and is just BORING and annoying to watch. They should have gotten new writers bc clearly these ones couldn't think of anything better than a pointless suicide plot. The writers failed. The show needed more knowledgeable writers, more skilled.

Lawrence would never kill himself. If you know anything about suicidal people, Lawrence would not commit suicide. Someone doesn't just wake up one day and decide to off themselves. If you fall for that bs script, you have never encountered a suicidal person in your life. This is the perfect plot for a naive folk. It takes a lot of pain to finally decide you are better off dead. One week the idiot writers have a gun man in the hospital, the following week, a character offs themselves with a gun. Also, he would be too traumatised to use a gun, he would relive what happened to his parents. Not to mention, he was superstitious. A superstitious person would not kill themselves, especially not a somewhat religious person. He was brought up with values. His parents died protecting him. An act like that would have them turning over in their graves. It would be considered selfish bc they died so he could live. He doesn't fit any of the characteristics of someone with a borderline personality disorder. This episode was written by someone who knows nothing about suicide. I'd sooner believe the idiot Chris Taub would shoot himself because he lost all his money and annoys everybody he meets, and isolates himself. He wants no friends, while Lawrence wanted to be friends with everyone. He even wanted to convince Taub that he saw him as a friend. Taub has the psychology of a failure, not Lawrence. It's like Cameron offing herself.
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