WCW Monday Nitro: One Man Short (1995)
Season 1, Episode 2
Clash of the Titans
25 February 2016
Warning: Spoilers

Live from Miami, FL

Your hosts are Eric Bischoff, Steve McMichael & Bobby Heenan

Alex Wright Vs Sabu

Sabu wins with a victory roll off the top turnbuckle, but the referee reverses the decision when Sabu attacks Alex Wright after the match. This was way too short to be much of anything. I will say Sabu hit some crazy spots during the match. That being said, he looked kind of out-of-place


Vader is apparently A.W.O.L and won't be at Fall Brawl. In reality, he had left for the WWF.

Ric Flair cuts a promo about facing Arn Anderson at Fall Brawl. Lex Luger interrupts randomly and says Flair hasn't changed a bit. No S***, Sherlock.

Sting Vs V.K Wallstreet

Sting wins with a crossbody off the top turnbuckle. This was a pretty forgettable match with nothing memorable. The only noteworthy thing about this match is Eric Bischoff giving away the result of the main event of Raw. For those curious, Shawn Michaels beat Sycho Sid to retain his Intercontinental Title.


Randy Savage Vs Scott Norton

Savage wins with a flying elbow drop after a heel miscommunication between The Dungeon of Doom and Scott Norton. This had intensity, but it was boring at the same time. Norton wasn't exactly what you call a "great" wrestler and Savage wasn't able to carry him.


World Heavyweight Championship

Hulk Hogan (W/Jimmy Hart) Vs Lex Luger

Hogan had the match won with the legdrop, but The Dungeon of Doom interfere to cause the DQ. Randy Savage and Sting run out to make the save. This was built up as a huge match, but I've never really considered Luger to be a huge star. He's had many chances to be "the guy" but he doesn't have the charisma. The match had its moments with both Hogan and Luger hulking up during the match.


After the match, Savage accuses Luger of being in cahoots with The Dungeon of Doom because Luger was the only one who didn't get attacked by them. Sting defends Luger and says Luger should be the fourth man on the Hulkamaniacs team in the War Games match at Fall Brawl. Luger agrees, but only if he gets a title shot down the line against Hogan

Final Thoughts

Despite the big main event, this was a pretty average episode of Nitro. None of the matches are anything to write home about. As I said during my review of Hogan Vs Luger, Luger wasn't the big star they made him out to be. Fall Brawl turned out to be a pretty awful PPV, aside from a couple of great matches

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