The Hot Chick (2002)
My guilty pleasure
23 February 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I think Rob perfectly portrays the role of of a spoiled teenage girl and the clichés works in his favor. Mocking the stereotypes of how a spoiled girl acts allows him to overreact without it feeling over the top. I found the role of a teenage girl trapped in a mans body believable, unlike a lot of other movies where it's obvious that a person can't adapt to the role they are given. The jokes are plenty and the dorky friends of Jessica makes it easy to accept that they accept Rob as their long time friend. They just aren't very bright to begin with, so the plot seems plausible.

I do have some criticism though. You barely see anything of the bad guy that is trapped in the girls body. It's as if they put all their ideas into Rob being a girl that they forgot about the other part. The ending also gets very sentimental and serious towards the end, which is a complete shift from the jokes that makes fun of the clichés. The movie ends in a predictable way. Why not mock that also? You feel nothing for the ending as you're not taking any of the characters serious in the first place. Although what happens to the bad guy is funny.
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