WWE Raw: Throwing Caution To The Wind (1995)
Season 3, Episode 34
Shawn Michaels and Sycho Sid disappoint
22 February 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Monday Night Raw

Live from Canton, OH

Your hosts are Vince McMahon & Jerry Lawler

Razor Ramon Vs The British Bulldog (W/Jim Cornette)

Bulldog had turned heel the week on Raw before this. Man, Razor barely gets a pop during his entrance. What a weak crowd! The British Bulldog wins by disqualification after a miscommunication between The 1-2-3 Kid and Razor. This match wasn't too shabby. It started a little slow, but kicked into gear after a bit and both delivered decent performances. The finish was messy, especially with Dean Douglas's interference, but it protected both Razor and Bulldog. The Bulldog had just turned heel and couldn't really afford a loss.


Afterwards, The Kid complains that Razor treats him too much like a little kid and doesn't show him enough respect. He reminds Razor that he beat him on an episode of Raw in 93. Razor says he made The Kid famous and it'll be difficult because The Kid is his "little buddy" but he accepts.

The Smoking Gunns Vs Rad Radford & The Brooklyn Brawler

The Gunns win with a sidewalk slam/legdrop combo off the top turnbuckle. This was a squash match to put over the Gunns. The Gunns hit some fun maneuvers, though.

1/2* (Half a star)

Issac Yankem D.D.S Vs Scott Taylor

Both these guys would be huge in the attitude era. Yankem is Kane and Taylor is Scotty 2 Hotty. Yankem wins with a DDT. This was nothing more than a dominant squash win for Yankem. For those wondering, the Yankem gimmick sucked donkey balls.

We get in an In Your House III: Triple Header report with Todd Pettengill.

Intercontinental Championship

Shawn Michaels (C) Vs Psycho Sid (W/Ted Dibiase)

Michaels wins after three super kicks. This match never took off like it should have. Sid and Michaels are capable of great stuff, such as Survivor Series 96, but they also had times where they didn't deliver, such as Royal Rumble 97) . I really like both of these guys, but this was a below average match and not exactly a great main event. Eric Bischoff gave away the result away on Nitro anyways.


Final Thoughts: 1995 was a bad year all around for the WWF. The Raw episodes were really hard to watch at times and make some of the episodes today look great in comparison. There is nothing in this episode for me to recommend.

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