Al Shepard: Forgotten Hero
16 February 2016
Warning: Spoilers
First, you have to get Ted Levine's performance in _Silence of the Lambs_ out of your head when you watch this series, or else it just won't work for you. That being said, Levine is outstanding in this episode chronicling the highs and lows and Shepard's career. He was the first American in space, but then he was marginalized by misfortune for years. When he finally gets his chance again, you can't help but root for him. This episode ignores the legendary philandering Shepard was known for and highlighted in other works, and that's fine. The focus is on the journey he takes from hero to lame duck to the oldest (at the time) astronaut in U.S. history. It wasn't an easy journey for any person with the confidence of Shepard, so it's a rewarding journey for audience members to see him triumph in the end by being a team player when he had to be and going for his own goals when it was possible. When he hits the famous golf shot on the moon, we all cheer for him. Levine pulls it off well with the help of Gary Cole ("Office Space") and George Newbern ("Father of the Bride"), two guys you love elsewhere and who surprise with their efforts here.
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