Avengers Assemble (2012–2019)
Not awful but not great
10 February 2016
I walked into this cartoon not expecting much, similar to when marvel launched earths mightiest heroes. I want to say right off the back that I don't hate this show, but I do not love it. This show has good ideas and can be entertaining. The main story arc of season 1 with the Cabal was really really cool. The problem with this show are numerous and I will address my complaints as so.

1: the voice acting is severely lacking. Although no one is "bad" no one feels like they are being directed right. I want to make it clear that all of the voice actors that I know are good, but they are very poorly written and directed. It obvious to me that the series is just trying to bank on the success of the movies for all the wrong reasons and serves as a poor imitation in this regard. Thor's performances as well as hulks really hold the series back. This baffles me as I am familiar with both these actors works and I KNOW THEY ARE BOTH TALENTED AND ACCOMPLISHED VOICE ACTORS. Especially Fred Tedscore who was fantastic as hulk in EMH's.

2. The show does not address continuity well. It completely glosses over a major plot point from season 1 and this show is full of moments like that.

3. The show has editorial mandates that detract from the overall narrative. This show is constantly introducing things from as they are announced in the MCU. I wouldn't have a problem with this is it was done with a bit more grace and finesse. sadly all the show seems to care about is mimicking the movies.

4. Filer. this show has a number of episodes where nothing happens and the episodes can merely be skipped and nothing of value will be missed.

5. Its not funny but will try to be. I get that the show is aimed at a lower audience but it feels like they aren't trying. the less said the better.

all in all I will say that this show does have its moments, but there's a lot holding it back from being great. Its a million times better then United They Stand but nowhere near as good as Earths Mightiest Heroes.
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