Review of Street Days

Street Days (2010)
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8 February 2016
This movies is a about Drug addicted person Chekie. After watching it i think that Levan Koguashvili made it to represent - stressful society - life of drug addicted peoples, People who lost a Hope.

In 90ths Soviet Union collapsed and Georgia became Indipendet country. (Movie is Shoot in Capital of Georgia - Tbilisi) Becoming an independent country brought a civil war in Georgia. Young people,who have never had seen Guns and ammo's became a Soldiers. Army was disorganized , they had no food , no equipment - because country was not ready to be part of war after 1 year of Indifendet. Soon Georgian soldiers started using drugs, to keep in shape - to for energy , They were using it to relax after stressful fights. after war most of veterans were drug addicted and unfortunately drug became "Trend" in That generation.Most of them couldn't continue life without a drugs and alcohol. They couldn't forgot war. War affected on new generations too. Because veterans were respected people - and the way they live became trend for their children , for new generations. So this Movie is about Sittuation after civil war, about society who lost hope of future, about country where it was hard to find a job in legal ways. Checkie, main character of this movie is a part of this stressed society. He is really good guy, but situation surround him is hopeless too. Once he was respected person -but then he became a drug addicted tramp . He has a lot of problem: problems with wife, problems with friends, problems with cops. At the end of movie he finds out only one way to stay - Respectful person.Person who had mental crisis, but he chose the hardest but the most right way. This movie is quite amazing.
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