more Charo
6 February 2016
Warning: Spoilers
So got to watch this episode live at 8 pm and made the wife watch. I feel even she somewhat enjoyed it. It was pretty good. I did notice its doing that weird filming thing like the camera men are following the actors around, like in the newer old Twilight zones. There's a word for it but not sure what. Anyhow both stories i found equally stupid but interesting.

The first one has Charo again. She comes to meet her dad she never knew. He is unaware of her. For not having a dad, i found her name to be rather long. one of those cute jokes they do in the beginning. Why was dad on the island? i don't know, i wasn't paying attention if they said. I always wonder why certain other people are on the island . seems odd. Its like, "I'm here for a fantasy I'm spending a crap load of money on" or "I'm here for the event of some sort that corresponds to that persons fantasy such as a beauty pageant" or "i went mad and live in the woods here" and so on. So Charo's dad is rich, he doesn't seem to like her and him and his assistant find her uncouth. So she invites more of her Spanish side of the family. YOu got some guy dressed as a general, mama Celeste (that's the Italian sausage/sauce lady right), and some Scarface/Chachee look alike guy. The servants cant find stand them and quit and Charo makes them all the servants to hilarious results. My favorite was no one at the party they were hosting could tolerate the hot Spanish food Mama Celleste made. All but Rourke who's really Spanish so he liked it. Hilarious. Meanwhile the assistant was locked in the cellar and getting drunk on wine. It was the same prison used in a previous episode, i believe the Marie Antoniette one, and my wife didn't seem impressed when i mentioned that, or that Rourkes Couch looks like one i scored for 250 bucks from a going out of business fabric center that she called "dated " (but worth 2700) and won't allow upstairs. Anyhow you figure out the ending.

Next was some dude that looked like a mix between Chevy Chase and my Proctoligist so i found that very interesting. My proctologist's name is Danzig, i picked him cause of Glenn Danzig the punk singer. I learned no relation when i saw Matzah crackers in his office and realized Danzig is a stage name. Still better than the other doctors with names of guys i wouldn't want exploring in my Butt. Dr Antler, (ouch) and Dr Ruboneoff (gross). Anyhow way off subject. so this guy was in jail, gets out, wants to find a treasure , that is real easy to find with Tattoo doing this Indiana Jones rip off (where does he get all his midget sized costumes on fantasy island, i went to Alaska once and the people there complained the only clothes they get a lot of are for tourists and say "alaska". ) back on topic, he cant get the mask of gold, but gets a lot of other treasure and is rich, then makes a fake mask, gets some just for men and becomes a brown haired bearded guy, meets the guy who stole his wife and framed him, and the bid on the fake mask at an auction. He is able to keep bidding and get the bad guy to pay a lot more than he wanted. SO later on, he does his old wife after hitting on her and shes stupid enough to not notice he is walking her to his bungalow not hers, she s like i knew it was you all along (duh)gets in a spat with her, goes to the bad guys bungalow. Then he tells him it was a fake, and somehow its not a ethics violation upping the bids maliciously (EBay 101). then they punch each other, he leaves , the other guy grabs his gun that is right there that he should have used before, forces him to take him to the treasure site. they set up booby traps, the bad guy grabs the mask, the other guy is like "get out of there leave the mask" which was stupid cause he was holding it, he just had to run out, its not like it was attached to something or in a pit that would take extra time to retrieve while rocks are falling. THe bad guy is crushed by rocks it would seem. Its season 6, so i don't think he was coming back in any future episodes, i don't recall him in the season 7 Mr Belvedere non stop Love Based episodes.
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