Review of Reunion

Chicago Med: Reunion (2016)
Season 1, Episode 8
Horribly wrong on mitochondrial disease
4 February 2016
There is plenty of scientific medical evidence about what mitochondrial disease is. If your imaginary MD's have no idea, it is because they are incompetent. This show has done a terrible disservice to some very sick mitochondrial disease patients out there. Perhaps you remember the famous young poet Matty Stepanek, who is one of many children and adults who have died of this disease. Mitochondrial disease patients often look well until a virus or a growth spurt or too much exercise or heat or stress throws them into a metabolic crisis. They may suddenly go hypoglycemic, or their blood may become too acidic, or their muscle fibers may suddenly break down, leading to organ failure or death. They often need feeding tube support to survive. Parents must stay on top of their child's condition or risk the worst happening. When emergency room doctors ignore the parents and the advice of the patient's treating physician, oftentimes the child suffers grievous injury which, unfortunately, has happened to many children with this disease. In addition, the science behind "medical child abuse" is so poor as to verge on pseudoscience. Please get your facts straight. You can learn more about mitochondrial disease at the Muscular Dystrophy Association and at the United Mitochondrial Disease Foundation.
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