Agent Carter: Smoke & Mirrors (2016)
Season 2, Episode 4
Independent Thinker
3 February 2016
In what has probably been a weaker season for Agent Carter, Smoke and Mirrors really stepped up its game this week. We got a better look at Whitney Frost, who I have been critical of as a character so far, but this episode cleared all the doubts I had. We also got our first real look at Peggy's backstory and how she got to where she is now, fighting the good fight.

I haven't been all that impressed with the decision to focus on Peggy's love life this season as I think last season worked extremely well avoiding that for the most part. Tonight's episode didn't do a whole lot to sway me one way or another but it did seem to confirm that we haven't seen the last of the Souza-Carter-Wilkes triangle. It also hinted that one or both of them may kick the bucket by seasons end considering Vernon Masters threatened Peggy's friends, and Wilkes talked about 'letting go'.

By far the highlight of the episode came from showing flashbacks to both Peggy and Frost's childhood/young adult life. While I think the Peggy material could have fit in season 1, I loved the balance of going back and forth with young Peggy and young Whitney. Knowing that Peggy accepted the SOE's offer due to her brother's request before he tragically died also gave more depth to Carter's motivations. The Whitney scenes were great to add context to this distraught and tormented character and was the character depth I think Frost needed to win me over.

I guess the one question I still have about this season is how Dottie factors into all of it. Will it turn out that Frost is just a pawn for Dottie's master plan? I'm not even totally sure she's coming back, but I'm even more interested in a Frost vs Peggy vs Dottie story line.

+Great flashback material

+Frost sold me

+That ending though...

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