DumbLand: A Friend Visits (2002)
Season 1, Episode 4
Hunting and Fishing Buddies From Hell
27 January 2016
OK. Point made. The episode starts out with the Neanderthal beating up his wife because she has put up an umbrella style clothesline in the yard. He destroys it because it might get in his way some night. He then shares a beer with a guy in a cowboy hat, apparently a friend. It's one of the few times when there is any conversation in these episodes. Soon they are talking about the joy of killing things and cutting off their heads. The friend has a whole wall full of heads, from cats to sheep. They grunt and spit and pass gas and burp. It is, of course, disturbing but, also, mesmerizing. Once again, we are caught up in the starkness and violence.
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