Review of Saw 3D

Saw 3D (2010)
Bit of a mess really
26 January 2016
Warning: Spoilers
The Saw series ends with a whimper rather than a bang in this underwhelming final installment which simply fails to take the time to set up its various twists and turns.

For instance, we have a man who's lied about surviving a Jigsaw Trap who gets put in a trap for real, fair enough. But what actually happens to him? It doesn't look like he dies. Does he end up discredited? Does he end up a depressed and isolated man? Then we have this Jigsaw survivors group. Great idea, but, what happens to them? What's the end game? And finally we have the returning Dr Gordon (Cary Elwes). What a waste! Yes, I understand that he needs to be a Jigsaw disciple and that this makes sense, but surely they could have set this up better. He is in the opening scene and shows up at the Survivor Group, but what happened to his family? Did they break up? Did he disappear for a few months? Come on guys, if you're going to bring back a character after 5 movies, explain something.

The one thing I do like in this movie is Detective Hoffman's ramboesque rampage. He is bug eyes crazy and I love his character. I didn't really care about him in Part 5, but in 6 and 7, I buy him as an interesting and dangerous psycho killer. There's also a nice trap with three corners of a love triangle and circular saw, but when is that happening? Who set this trap: Jigsaw, Hoffman or Amanda, or hell, was it Gordon? In the end this a poor final installment. It rushes through things, doesn't explain enough and looks cheaper than the previous ones. I didn't see it in 3D, but it's obvious which scenes pander to it. Hoffman tries to keep us interested, but his bonkers rampage isn't enough to save this. A poor ending, which causes me to fail the whole series. 3 good films out of 7 with a crap ending does not a worthwhile series make. Could have been better but oh well. It is what it is.
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